Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fat Burning Foods You Can Find in Your Kitchen

source: erix!
Diet pills are a multimillion industry and you can find them in any neighborhood pharmacy around the world. Its popularity comes from claims that it is able to melt off the fats fast by increasing the metabolic rate. Metabolism is a set of chemical reaction that helps to burn off the fats in your body and turning them into energy. The higher your metabolic rate, the faster you lose weight.

Sounds great right? But there’s a problem. Diet pills can present unwanted side effects to your body due to the ingredients used to either unnaturally alter your body chemicals or to prolong it’s shelf life. This is unfortunate but not uncommon. Moreover these pills can burn a hole in your wallet too!

What if I tell you that there is a more natural, cheaper and healthier way to kick-start your metabolism with common foods you can find in your kitchen?

Read on to find out fat burning foods that the diet pills industry don’t want you to know.