Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fat Burning Foods You Can Find in Your Kitchen

source: erix!
Diet pills are a multimillion industry and you can find them in any neighborhood pharmacy around the world. Its popularity comes from claims that it is able to melt off the fats fast by increasing the metabolic rate. Metabolism is a set of chemical reaction that helps to burn off the fats in your body and turning them into energy. The higher your metabolic rate, the faster you lose weight.

Sounds great right? But there’s a problem. Diet pills can present unwanted side effects to your body due to the ingredients used to either unnaturally alter your body chemicals or to prolong it’s shelf life. This is unfortunate but not uncommon. Moreover these pills can burn a hole in your wallet too!

What if I tell you that there is a more natural, cheaper and healthier way to kick-start your metabolism with common foods you can find in your kitchen?

Read on to find out fat burning foods that the diet pills industry don’t want you to know.

Oatmeal and Whole Grains
source: abstrack duck
Oatmeal is a highly recommended breakfast food for its high fiber, which burns off fats and lowers cholesterol levels. Eating a good bowl of oatmeal in the morning provides a surge of energy to make you wake up faster. The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal then digest slowly so it maintains your energy and your appetite low for hours after breakfast. This prevents crazy glucose crashes and the feeling of lethargy.

To amp up this wonderful food, add non-fat milk for maximum fat-burning effect. There’s a recent discovery that calcium and fiber are a proven combination to aid in burning fats quicker in your body.

Citrus and Ginger
source: sjdunphy
source: heymrleej
Vitamin C is not only a popular immunity booster but also has the properties that help you burn fat faster. It does this in two ways. First it speeds up your metabolic rate and second the citric acid breaks down fat molecules, coagulate them so that they are easily flushed out of the body.

Citrus fruits rank highly among fat burning foods for their high vitamin C content. So go ahead and add a variety of citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, limes and lemons into your diet, like in your oatmeal for example. To maximize the effect, eat the whole fruit than drinking the juice due to the high fiber content, another fat-fighter! Don’t fancy fruit? Eat tomatoes. Use fresh tomatoes in your homemade sauces to give an increase your metabolic rate.

Ginger, known as a vasodilator as it opens up the blood vessels and improves blood circulation, is another good fat-burner. Ginger gives metabolism a significant boost and studies shows that ginger-eaters may lose as much as 20% more fat than those who are not.

Nuts and Beans
source: IanBuchanan
Now this is my favorite snack replacement, nuts and beans. They are simple yet nutritious fat burning foods that keep you full and away from cravings. Sugary snacks cause your sugar level to spike and crash which makes you crave for more. You know what I’m talking about.

Similar to oatmeal, nuts and beans also contain fiber that speed up your metabolism. So if you have to snack, why not opt for something that burns fats while you’re eating them right?

Nuts and beans contain a significant amount of protein, vital for building lean muscle mass. As you have probably heard, lean muscle mass burns calories faster than fat tissue. So that is already an added advantage. Be sure to choose a healthier version of nuts and beans instead of the sodium filled ones.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
source: Tobyotter
You’ve seen it in cooking shows and have long been recommended by doctors for the heart health benefits. Why does olive oil stand out from all the other cooking oils?

Olive oil contains unsaturated fat that increases the number of high-density lipids in the bloodstream. These lipids, otherwise known as “good cholesterol” sweeps bad cholesterol away from your arteries. So making the switch to olive oil from butter and margarine, you can lower your bad cholesterol and increase your metabolic rate.

So there you have it, simple foods that you can easily find in your kitchen or nearby grocery store. I hope you start incorporating them in your daily diet for a healthier and natural lifestyle.

Want to try to a natural way to shed the pounds off, try a Vegetarian Diet Weight Loss.

Cool Read of the Day: Check out a website on how the A-listers lose those stubborn arm fat!

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